Experience culture and festival city Bad Elster

at PARKHOTEL Helene - Bad Elster

Your three-star superior comfort hotel in a stylish ambience

“Light and air, forest and water, salt and moor and above all the delicious peace,
these are the seven healing factors of Bad Elster.”

(from the Vogtland hiking guide from 1924)

In 1848 Bad Elster became a "Royal Saxon State Spa".

The renowned Saxon state spa Bad Elster in the border triangle of Bohemia, Bavaria and Saxony welcomes you in a mundane and splendid way. After Bad Elster was first mentioned in a document in 1324, the first spring was medically examined here in 1669 and dedicated to the then sovereign Duke Moritz of Saxony-Zeitz. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe also paid tribute to this healing spring in his epic poem “Herrmann und Dorothea”.

Bathing and cultural activities finally began in Bad Elster at the beginning of the 19th century. Bad Elster was elevated to the status of “Royal Saxon State Spa” in 1848, making it one of the most traditional and renowned spas in Germany. Above all, the naturally occurring, highly effective moor and the bubbling mineral and carbonic acid springs established the more than 160-year spa tradition.

König Albert Theater Bad Elster
King Albert Theater
Kunstwandelhalle Bad Elster
Art Conversion Hall with Moritz spring
Königliches Kurhaus Bad Elster
Royal spa house

The splendid spa architecture

testifies to the royal past and still enchants you today with a unique nostalgic flair of bathhouse, art nouveau villas and the more than 60 hectare large historic spa park, which has been under nature conservation since 1980.
Bad Elster owes its reputation as a cultural and festival town with international flair to its outstanding cultural offerings. The seven historic event venues (“festival mile of short distances”), such as the famous King Albert Theater, the representative Royal Spa House, the Kunstwandelhalle, the Nature Theater and the three music pavilions, are located in park landscapes and offer a wonderful, unique ambience for this.

Das Albert Bad in Bad Elster
Albert bath with brine thermal bath
Rosengarten in Bad Elster
Rose Garden
Springbrunnen am Badeplatz Bad Elster
Fountain at the bathing place

For health and recreation

above all, the Saxon State Spa offers the best conditions through the symbiosis of elegant atmosphere and modern infrastructure as well as high-quality offers.
However, as guests of Bad Elster you can also enjoy royally at over 1,000 (cultural events of all genres with famous artists, ensembles and international stars.

The highlights of Bad Elster at a glance

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Museums in and around Bad Elster

Hiking, cycling, skiing

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Hotel Bad Elster Kurangebote

Here in the picture you can see the Albert bath. 

With us in the PARKHOTEL Helene her hotel in Bad Elster you also have the opportunity to enjoy the natural healing powers such as natural moor, pure air and wonderful peace and quiet. Use the unique power of nature in our house.

Here you can already get a small overview of the Historic Albert Bath

Take a look at the calendar of events in Bad Elster.

For further questions, registration, booking and appointments, please contact us by phone or e-mail.

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Die Vogtland App - Ihr Reiseführer

Wander- und Radtouren, Ausflugsziele u.v.m. 

Die kostenfreie App bietet jede Menge nützliche Informationen rund um den Urlaub im Vogtland. Tourenbeschreibungen, Tourenverläufe in der Karte, Höhenprofile, Bilder sowie interessante Punkte entlang der Touren sind in der App enthalten. Die Vogtland App erfasst die genaue Position des Nutzers. Somit können Varianten zur beschriebenen Tour erkannt und kleine Extratouren eingebaut werden. Auch individuelle Tourenplanungen sind möglich.

Die Fahrplanauskunft und die Verlinkung zur Veranstaltungsdatenbank des Vogtlandkreises runden das Angebot der App, neben zahlreichen kleinen Features ab.

Vogtland App für Android Handy
Vogtland App für ihr IPhone

The Vogtland App - Your Travel Guide

Hiking and biking tours, excursion destinations and much more. 

The free app offers a lot of useful information about the vacation in the Vogtland. Tour descriptions, tour routes on the map, elevation profiles, pictures as well as interesting points along the tours are included in the app. The Vogtland app records the exact position of the user. Thus, variants to the described tour can be recognized and small extra tours can be incorporated. Individual tour planning is also possible.

The timetable information and the link to the event database of the Vogtlandkreis round off the offer of the app, in addition to numerous small features.

Vogtland App für Android Handy
Vogtland App für ihr IPhone

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